How to transport a variant of a planning sequence?

The planning sequence variant is a predefined selection of user entry variables for the associated planning sequence.

You can access the variants in transaction RSPLAN with the button for variables and than button : “Load”. There are 2 types of variants: User specific and Cross-user variant. 

When you use planning sequence variants for background or foreground execution you may need to transport these variants from development to test and production system.  But there is no automatic generation of transports for the variant. 

You need to manually transport the table entries of tables RSRPARAMETRIZA and RSRPARAMETRIZAT, which are related to your variant.

To transport the ‘table entries’ first you need to create a transport request from type ” Workbench request”. This you can do with SE10 transaction with the button “Create request”.

After creating the request you can edit the transport request and add the table entries.

Select Program ID “R3TR” and Object type “TABU”, table name RSRPARAMETRIZA/RSRPARAMETRIZAT. 

Use the button “Keys” to select the table entry for the variant, that you want to transport.

You can check the table entries in RSRPARAMETRIZA with transaction SE16. The variant name is stored in field PARAMNM.

RSRPARAMETRIZA with transaction SE16. The variant name is stored in field PARAMNM.

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