Process chains transportation in SAP BW

Usually the new changes in SAP settings are done first not in the productive system, but in a special test system, which is a copy from the productive. This can be organized in different way in the different clients, but in general SAP has a well organized transport system for changes, which after successful testing should be transferred into the productive environment.

More about the transports in SAP you can read here.

Here You will find a few remarks for the transportation of process chains in SAP BW:


  • To transport a process chain the easiest way is to select from the main menu Process chain>Transport

process chain transportationThis will lead us to the transport connection where we can select the objects for transport. We should be careful and:

  • Collect for transport only the needed objects. Select from the menu in the right upper part of the screen the Display to be list

process chain transportation

and not hierarchy and check if there are some objects selected, which should not be transported. Usually there are. There is no need to transport the infocubes or other objects, if there are no changes in it.

We use the right mouse button menu and select “Do not transport any bellow” if we don’t want to transport all the objects listed under a single node or we can select only the needed. After we checked all the nodes we can finally create the transport using the truck button.


  • Start process settings – select option: “Start using meta chain or API”: There is one more detail about transporting process chains that should be considered especially when importing in productive systems .

In the start process of the process chain there are 2 options: Direct scheduling or Start Using meta chain or API. If the direct scheduling is chosen, than there might be a problem, because the process chain will automatically start and execute all the processes by the import. New data will be loaded and the existing overwritten. So, to be on the safety side, it is recommended to choose the other option “Start Using meta chain or API” and after import to change it manually, if needed.




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